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Whom Shall I Send?

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Whom Shall I Send?

ChrisMay 22 2023

couragetrue nature of God

Second-year Charis Bible College students are preparing for their annual missions trip this year. Reflecting on a past missions trip to Europe, Amos Casa—a second-year Charis student from Italy—heard an instructor say,

If you don’t feel qualified, you’ll be a great leader. God wants you usable—not perfect!

That little seed of encouragement rooted itself inside Amos’s heart and kept him through the feelings of inadequacy and fear until he boarded a plane heading for Germany and was able to say, “God, this trip is not about me; it’s about You.”

Amos’s first stop was in Cologne and Dusseldorf. There, he and other students from Charis teamed up with European Initiative to share the message of God’s unconditional love with everyone they could.

It was amazing to see hearts open to the Gospel. Almost none of the people we talked to had ever heard about grace,

Amos said,

but my favourite moment was when we stopped in Berlin.

Whom Shall I Send image

In the capital city of Berlin, the team met many people from all over the world. They arrived in this tourist haven completely unaware of the part God’s hand played in the timing of their trip.

In Italy, there is a lot of religion,

Amos explained.

but it’s religion that represents God the wrong way. I spoke with several Italians in Berlin who asked me why I went to America to learn about religion. I got to share the true nature of God with them and tell them about His love and purpose for them individually. I know the Holy Spirit gave me the words to say. By the end of the trip, I’d led eight teens to the Lord, seven of whom were Italians.

Amos’s experience was not an isolated event. Each of the students ministered to hundreds of people through dramas, music, and preaching. During their ten days of ministry, the team reached out to an estimated 12,000 people, and 98 Europeans made decisions for Christ!

The Charis team profoundly impacted the spiritual landscape of the three German cities we stopped in,

said a spokesman from European Initiative

we are immensely grateful to Andrew Wommack Ministries for their partnership with us.

Matthew 5:14 says that we are the light of the world.

How many people are waiting for us to turn on our light?

How many do we know who are waiting to hear the true message of the Gospel?

God wants to use me and you to expand His kingdom and give hope to those that are hopeless,

Amos said,

we can play a part in rescuing them from destruction! It’s not about our skills or talents. It’s not about our experience. It’s about our willingness.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!

Isaiah 6:8 (New International Version)


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