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What Do You See?

Biblical Wisdom

What Do You See?

ChrisAug 20 2021

Intimidation is a powerful weapon. Satan wields it through people and circumstances to interrupt, deter, or completely stop the plans of God. Have you ever been afraid to do what you felt God wanted you to do? The prophet Elijah could relate to that feeling. In his Lessons from Elijah teaching, Andrew shares from Scripture a specific incident. Elijah had just finished slaughtering 850 prophets of Baal and of the groves, who had been fed at Queen Jezebel’s table (1 Kin. 18:19). This means Baal worship was the state religion.

Jezebel didn’t like Elijah, because he was a prophet of the Lord. Upon hearing the news of all Elijah had done, she became furious and took an oath saying, ‘May the gods make me like one of these slaughtered prophets if Elijah isn’t dead by this time tomorrow!’ Then she sent a messenger to tell Elijah what she was determined to do. ‘And when he [Elijah] saw that, he arose, and went [fled] for his life’ (1 Kin. 19:3, brackets mine)… So what did Elijah see? He saw himself like one of those dead men he had just slaughtered. Jezebel painted a word picture, ‘So let the gods do to me, and more also, if you aren’t like one of those dead prophets by this time tomorrow!’ Elijah’s mind flashed back to that grisly scene and he saw himself dead. That’s why he fled

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When you confront Satan’s kingdom, he will work through people and circumstances to try to intimidate you. As Andrew points out in his book, Jezebel was trying to intimidate Elijah. If she had really planned on killing him, she would have sent a soldier, not a messenger.

There is a reason Elijah had the courage to challenge the prophets of Baal:

The day before, he had seen the word God had put in his heart. He saw himself challenging the prophets of Baal to a duel, calling down fire, and slaughtering them. He told the Lord, ‘Let the people know that I have done these things at Your word.’ He had seen these things already in his heart.

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What do you see in your heart? How do you see yourself, and how do you see God?

If you read Elijah’s whole story in the Bible, you learn that God took care of him, even though he didn’t always handle every intimidating circumstance well. If God did that for Elijah, He will do it for you. Let that be an encouragement as you remain steadfast in the midst of your circumstances! Andrew continues:

Due to his boldness to proclaim the word of God, the king had sought him in every nation on the face of the earth (1 Kin. 18:10). If you stick around long enough, you’ll see the word of God put you in a position of authority every single time. However, you must be truly speaking God’s Word, not just your own doctrines and opinions. Sooner or later, the word of God will always exalt you.

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Are you facing an intimidating situation or person? Learn from Elijah’s mistakes and successes through Andrew’s Lessons from Elijah teaching. It’s available in eBook, DVD, book, and study guide formats.


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