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Today’s TV Offer

Psalm 119 in Twenty-Two Days

Are you ready to transform your life with the power of God’s Word?

Start your twenty-two-day journey through Psalm 119, the longest and most intricate psalm in the Bible.

Psalm 119 in Twenty Two Days

This unique psalm is structured around the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, with each letter introducing a segment of eight verses. Every one of the 176 verses reflects on the power and importance of God’s Word.

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Each day, you’ll explore a new segment of Psalm 119, enriched with insightful comments and cross-references that illuminate your understanding and connect the text to other parts of the Bible. With the book copy, you’ll look up over 400 additional verses and have access to thirty-six of Andrew’s Living Commentary footnotes from all over the Bible.

The Living Commentary

The Living Commentary electronic study Bible includes five decades of Andrew Wommack’s personal study notes on over 25,000 scriptures. It’s called “living” commentary because it is continually expanded as Andrew’s recent studies are added to the program.

The Living Commentary makes in-depth Bible study easier than ever before. The program allows you to read your preferred version of the Bible and see Andrew’s study notes next to each verse. You can compare scriptures and notes simply by hovering over a reference. It includes several Bible versions, additional commentaries, dictionaries, concordances, maps, and other resources—all accessible by the click of a mouse.

Please visit our store by clicking the button below or call our Helpline at +61 7 3177 7681 to order.

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