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Free Indeed!


Free Indeed!

ChrisJul 16 2021

“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:31-32

When the disciples asked Jesus about the end times and His return, the first thing Jesus did was bring a warning: “Take heed that ye be not deceived” (Luke 21:8). This warning was so important that the Holy Spirit impressed on the writers of two of the other Gospels to repeat it (Matt. 24:3-4 and Mark 13:3-5). The dangerous thing about deception is that the deceived person is not aware of their condition. They enter into deception and eventually become blinded to the truth. So, how can you protect yourself against deception?

Andrew says this in his teaching called The Word Became Flesh:

Satan’s only power is deception, and once you know the truth … his power against you totally evaporates. He has no power to force you to do anything…. If we believe a lie­—­if we believe the wrong thing and submit to that wrong thing—then that gives Satan inroad into [our lives]…. The Word of God is absolute truth. Before Satan could get Eve to sin, he had to first of all take away her absolute submission to the authority of God’s Word. This is what Satan does to us…. He didn’t have power to force them to do anything…. He had to worm his way in, and he did it by attacking the Word of God. This is the reason that loving the Word of God [and] knowing the Word of God is so important.

So, what do you believe? Because we actually submit to our beliefs, it’s important to understand and have faith in the truth alone.

Andrew continues:

Jesus has set you free indeed, and yet you’re sitting there still languishing under the control and the dominance of the devil because you don’t know the truth. I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m trying to help you and let you know that God has set you free. If you aren’t experiencing that freedom—whether it’s in your body, finances, emotions, whatever realm it is—it’s not God [keeping it from you].

Andrew explains that you don’t need to pray and ask God to do something:

You need to find out what He’s already done and take your authority and release it.

Don’t feel condemned if you are not walking in complete freedom in a certain area. Find out what the Word of God has to say, and make the truth more real to you on the inside than the situation itself. The Word of God has become flesh and is more powerful than anything you’re facing on this planet. The truth makes you “free indeed”—free from oppression, guilt, shame, deception, and anything else that has you bound (John 8:36)!

Gain insight into the nature of God, how His kingdom operates through you, and so much more.


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