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Nikis Miracle

Nikis Miracle

I don’t know anyone who wants to be sick. Everyone wants to be healthy. That’s evident in the huge amount of money that flows into hospitals, doctors’ offices, and pharmacies. People will do just about anything to retain or regain their health. That is a universal...
Lisa Paxton’s Testimony

Lisa Paxton’s Testimony

At our Helpline, prayer ministers often pray with callers for healing. As a result, we receive good reports of God’s faithfulness. We want to build your faith by sharing testimonies of God’s healing power. In January, a woman called to request prayer for her son who...
Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith

Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith

At our Gospel Truth Seminars, I always take time before meetings to talk with friends and partners. One of the most common questions I’m asked is “What do I need to do to receive the blessings of God?” It is usually followed by this explanation: “I have been praying,...
Lessons From Joseph

Lessons From Joseph

How many of life’s lessons have you learned through the “school of hard knocks”? I’ve certainly learned a few that way. They make great testimonies – if you survive them, but I don’t recommend it. There’s a better way! God’s Word is full of the good and bad...
Lessons From David

Lessons From David

Whatever problem you’re facing today – whether in your finances, in your health, in your marriage, or wherever – your problem is not bigger than what David faced. He had to deal with a real, live giant. And the qualities God instilled in David that enabled him to...
Killing Sacred Cows

Killing Sacred Cows

The Word of God is awesome! It has all the power we will ever need for every situation in our lives (Heb. 4:12). All we have to do is mix it with faith and, praise God, a miracle (Heb. 4:2)! I know many of you are thinking, It isn’t that easy. I believe the Word and...