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A Fishy Tale

A Fishy Tale

Some years ago, my wife, Lesley, and I were passing through the U.S. on a journey of faith after pastoring a church in the UK. The Lord had told us both independently to give away what He had built through us and wait in faith for the next chapter of our lives. This...
What’s in a Word?

What’s in a Word?

You may be familiar with the wonderful Scriptures, Romans 10:14–5, which refer to people needing a preacher in order to hear God’s message of love and grace.All of this is absolutely true, but what is not made clear is that language is the vehicle which facilitates...
Don’t Be Anxious

Don’t Be Anxious

“O God, what did I just do?” Charis Bible College student Georgiann Melton exclaimed to herself after signing up for her second-year missions trip. “I can’t go to Russia!” As the weeks passed and everyone around her began gearing up for ministry and making plans to be...
The Gospel in Brazil

The Gospel in Brazil

After laying the foundation of the Gospel in their students, Charis Bible College prepares them for practical ministry during the second-year program. Not only do students clock volunteer hours at local churches and ministries, but they also plan and participate in...
The Works of Grace

The Works of Grace

Ephesians tells us that we receive the grace of God through faith—not works (Eph. 2:8-9). But according to James, our faith must have corresponding actions (James 2:17-18). What are those actions? They are the works of grace. For it is God who is producing in you both...
Experience God with Us

Experience God with Us

A good story is timeless, no matter how many times it’s told. This couldn’t be truer than when referring to the Bible, the greatest story ever told, full of stories that are rich with twists and turns. This is the concept behind God with Us, the musical production...