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The Light of true Love in Budapest

The Light of true Love in Budapest

Recently a team of Charis Bible College students partnered with the European Initiative to bring the light of the Gospel into the darkest reaches of Eastern Europe. There, they ministered throughout major cities, small villages, in a children’s hospital, and at three...
Eyes Opened to God’s Goodness

Eyes Opened to God’s Goodness

As the designated bus driver for a team of second-year Charis Bible College students, Moses escorted the group across Uganda, where they witnessed healings, deliverances, signs, and wonders. Unknown to Moses at the time, he was being used by God to help carry out His...
Whom Shall I Send?

Whom Shall I Send?

Second-year Charis Bible College students are preparing for their annual missions trip this year. Reflecting on a past missions trip to Europe, Amos Casa—a second-year Charis student from Italy—heard an instructor say, If you don’t feel qualified, you’ll be a great...
Costa Rica: A Mission of Love

Costa Rica: A Mission of Love

People kept commenting on my eyes, recalled second-year Charis Bible College Colorado student Laurie Wegner. At first, I thought it was just because I was pasty white with green eyes. But then a man told me that he could see God in my eyes and that it was beautiful....
Mighty Works in Ecuador

Mighty Works in Ecuador

It was the last night in Ecuador for the Charis Bible College missions team and they were ministering at a church, praying for the sick. A young man who was a church worship team member asked for prayer because he suffered from pain in his knees and calves. Brian, one...
God-Sized Dreams

God-Sized Dreams

When I was a little girl, I used to tell everyone, “I’m going to be a missionary when I grow up!” It wasn’t until years later that I learned I didn’t need to make that dream come true. In my thinking, the right connections were important to seeing my dream become a...