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Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. (Jeremiah 1:5, New King James Version) Single and twenty-three, I was devastated by the news that I was pregnant. Though a “good Christian girl” for most of my life, I became sexually active after finishing college. Then one...
Six children by the age of 20

Six children by the age of 20

An AWM Grace Encounter Story Selina became famous in England’s tabloids for having six children by the age of 20. Depressed, suicidal, and addicted to drugs, her life would radically change after attending Andrew’s free Grace & Faith...
Forgiven from Abortion – Yvonne Smith

Forgiven from Abortion – Yvonne Smith

An AWM Grace Encounter story Before learning about grace, Yvonne felt condemned for an abortion she had as a teenager. This story is about how God used Andrew’s teachings to heal one woman from decades of shame and guilt while showing her a sneak peek of who is...


Early in my walk with God, I heard the same kind of teaching that many brand-new Christians receive: We’re poor sinners who will struggle with our sinful nature for the rest of our lives. We’ll make it to heaven, but just barely. This erroneous teaching left me...
His Sacrifice Was Enough

His Sacrifice Was Enough

Easter is the time of year when we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some Easter celebrations are simple, like flying kites or eating hot cross buns or lighting bonfires. Others, however, are more on the extreme side. Some...
Grace to Love

Grace to Love

“The man I’ll marry must be at least as good as my dog.” That is what the bumper sticker in front of me read. It’s funny that someone would think that a dog could be the model for a good husband. That bumper sticker reveals two ideas: dogs are great, and dealing with...