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Where Self-Dependence Ends

Where Self-Dependence Ends

You pray as much as you depend on God. When I heard the speaker say that, I was brought up short. A quick mental inventory of my prayer life yielded a dismal level of dependence on God. Perhaps that’s why I was getting some of the results I was getting. And maybe it’s...
Believe All Things

Believe All Things

When you’re a kid, everything is easier to believe. Then comes the day when you wipe childhood from your eyes and begin to see the world for what it really is. Somewhere along the way, you lose the ability to just believe the best about people or situations. While...
Today, Not Tomorrow

Today, Not Tomorrow

Living in a fallen world, it’s just a matter of time before we face a challenge. Even if we’re doing our best to live holy, challenges will come. That’s exactly what happened to David when Goliath, like Andrew Wommack might say, ”double-dog dared” him. You know the...
Faith Sees

Faith Sees

Who hasn’t heard of the expression blind faith? People use it to explain trust in something or someone they can’t be sure is trustworthy. That’s how I thought faith in God was. Stepping out and trusting God was like taking a leap of faith. I mean, you can’t see God....