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Worked Up Over Nothing

Worked Up Over Nothing

How dare they? After everything I’ve done… That was really unprofessional. I’m obviously not the one at fault here. On and on the thoughts continued through my head. I was on a work assignment a few years back, and two of my coworkers had told their boss that I had a...
Me, Proud? No Way!

Me, Proud? No Way!

God’s been dealing with me about true humility—and I didn’t even recognize it. It all started while listening to Andrew’s new teaching, Humility: God’s Path to More Grace. Nothing about this teaching struck me. I felt like everything he said, though true, was...
Dreaming Big with God

Dreaming Big with God

In high school, I wanted to be a sports broadcast journalist. I saw myself reporting live from Turner Field or Sanford Stadium. I had it all planned out: I would attend the University of Georgia, major in sports broadcasting, land an internship at ESPN, and reach all...
What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Intimidation is a powerful weapon. Satan wields it through people and circumstances to interrupt, deter, or completely stop the plans of God. Have you ever been afraid to do what you felt God wanted you to do? The prophet Elijah could relate to that feeling. In his...
The Answer’s Simple—Obedience Is the Question

The Answer’s Simple—Obedience Is the Question

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Have you ever wondered why people genuinely find the answer to that question puzzling? “And God created…every living creature that moveth…and every winged fowl after his kind…. [22] And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful,...
The Package Is on Its Way!

The Package Is on Its Way!

My son was supposed to have been born on September 27, 1998. But that day came and went. As the nurses were monitoring him every couple days after his due date, I remember my doctor saying, “We see the package and it looks fine.” Then he laughed and said, “When he’s...