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Power Of Faith Filled Words

Power Of Faith Filled Words

God created the world with faith filled words. He demonstrated that words have the power to create and that creation responds to words. If you can understand that, it will change your life. The Creative Power Of Words God created the world with faith filled words. He...
Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit

On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus spoke to His disciples and told them that He would send them the Holy Spirit: the Comforter. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is a comforting ministry, not a ministry of condemnation. Discern the difference between your...
Paul’s Secrets to Happiness

Paul’s Secrets to Happiness

Many Christians strive to achieve happiness. Few, however, have understood, much less followed, what the Bible says to get there. Needless to say, they aren’t “happy” with the end result. Listen as Andrew shares twenty secrets from Paul’s...
How To Receive A Miracle

How To Receive A Miracle

Most Christians do not know how to receive a miracle from God. Learn how to grab ahold of miracles and make them happen. Believing God’s Word is the most important step to receiving a miracle. We do not just naturally grow up believing God ? it takes renewing...
Observing All Things

Observing All Things

There’s more to being a disciple than simply faith in Jesus. That might sound hard to believe, but that’s exactly what Jesus Himself said: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son...
New You & The Holy Spirit

New You & The Holy Spirit

In this series, Andrew addresses the two most important events that will ever take place in a person’s life: first, receiving salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, and second, being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The New You & What Is A...