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Gospel: The Power of God

Gospel: The Power of God

The book of Romans is Paul’s greatest masterpiece on the doctrine of grace. Nowhere else in Scripture is the mystery of God’s grace revealed more thoroughly or more simply. This series helps the listener discover the book of Romans’ liberating...
Dwelling in God’s Presence

Dwelling in God’s Presence

Most of the promises of God—probably more than you realize—are conditional upon abiding in His presence. You might think that’s too simple, but it really isn’t any more complicated than that. Sad to say, many Christians only visit the Lord, and only when...
Don’t Limit God

Don’t Limit God

If you want to learn to see yourself the way God sees you, and move from small thinking to seeing yourself successful, Don’t Limit God is for you! This powerful teaching will give you the tools you need to walk in God’s promises and plans for your life!...
Discipleship: The Path to Freedom

Discipleship: The Path to Freedom

If you always thought believers and disciples were one and the same, you might be shocked to find out that Jesus would disagree with you. The truth He describes in John 8:31-32 reveals the reason so many believers aren’t walking in freedom. They’ve never...
Church Discipline

Church Discipline

In this teaching Andrew gives the Biblical model and definition of church discipline. Through a thorough study of the scriptures he is able to demonstrate how church discipline should work, both in the natural and the spiritual realm. He also draws a comparison...
Christian Survival Kit

Christian Survival Kit

This series is a verse-by-verse teaching from John, chapters 14, 15, and 16. These are Jesus’ instructions to His disciples the night before His crucifixion. He knew what they would go through, and He told them what they needed to know to keep them from being...