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Bianca’s Healing Journey


Bianca’s Healing Journey

ChrisAug 11 2020


A young woman from Norway was ready to stand against the disease that had robbed her of her vision, thanks to the free teachings of Andrew Wommack Ministries. Since childhood, Bianca Vlastuin had been stricken with rod-cone dystrophy—a rare and incurable disease that often leads to blindness.

When I was a child, I could see everything,

recalled Bianca.

But the field [of vision] was going smaller and smaller until I only had vision in the center. In 2008, I had an examination, and they told me there was only 10 percent vision in my right eye and 15 percent in my left.

Despite being legally blind, Bianca did her best to live a normal life. She accepted her infirmity until a friend from church, Elizabeth Muren, introduced her to Andrew’s teachings.

She gave me her card and wrote on the back, ‘Go to the website of Andrew Wommack because it changed my life, and I think it’s what you need.’

Bianca went online and started watching Spirit, Soul & Body with her husband, Gert. They both were blown away by how simply Andrew explained Scripture.

I thought, Why have I struggled twenty years to figure this out, and now I’m hearing all of it, and it’s all I need? After that, we saw God Wants You Well and You’ve Already Got It!

Realizing that she did not have to live with rod-cone dystrophy, Bianca was determined to receive her healing. She continued listening to Andrew’s teachings and started posting Scripture all around her house.

I was sitting and reading the Bible, and I just started to praise God and thank Him for everything that He’s done and that He doesn’t need to do something to heal me,

Bianca explained.

He already did that on the cross.

Bianca took her revelation one step further.

I spoke to my eyes and said, ‘Eyes, you were healed in the name of Jesus, so you must see. You must see now!’

The healing did not go through immediately; however, Bianca was undeterred.

I told my eyes again, ‘You are healed in Jesus’ name!’ And when I opened my eyes, they were totally clear!

For the first time in her adult life, Bianca was able to see the world to its fullest.

I could see everything, and I thought, ‘Wow, that is so amazing!‘

Bianca said.

I could see the trees outside, the flowers, everything. It was so good! That first week, I actually had a headache because I was seeing so much!

Although Bianca had received her full healing, the Enemy was not willing to let her off that easy. As the days passed, she noticed her vision declining to its old ways.

I was mad about my eyes because it was like the devil was knocking to see if I [was] open,

Bianca recalled.

And I said, ‘No! I’m closed! I am closed. I am healed. So, eyes, you must see in Jesus’ name!’ And then after that, they were opened again.

From being legally blind to having vision certified as better than 20/20, Bianca now sees the world with eyes of love and compassion, using her testimony to help others experience the free gift of God’s unconditional love and grace.

Thanks to the free teachings made available by Andrew’s partners, Bianca has had both her physical and spiritual eyes opened.


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