Group Leader Requirements & Guidelines
Group Leader Requirements & Guidelines
- Charis Certified
- Desire to disciple
- Availability
- Computer access
- Suitable meeting place
- Complete and submit on-line application for review & approval
- Located in Australia
Consists of select Andrew Wommack study guides. We recommend that each new group start with Spirit, Soul, and Body.
Bible Study Scheduling
The Group Leader will have the option of meeting 1x/week, 2x/week, 3x/week, bi-weekly or monthly. If you choose to meet bi-weekly, you may want to consider completing two lessons each time you meet. One lesson, on average, takes one hour to complete; Two lessons, two hours.
NOTE: People oftentimes choose studies based on any or all of the following:
- Day of the week
- Meeting times
- Frequency
- Duration
- Location
Whatever decisions you make regarding the schedule of your study, we suggest that you try to be consistent throughout your study so that all attendees may plan their schedules accordingly.
Frequency & Duration of Study
Below is the optional duration and frequency of Spirit, Soul, and Body. (23 lessons)
Number of Lessons
1 lesson
2 lessons
3 lessons
2 lessons
1 lessons
1 hour per week
2 hours per week
3 hours per week
2 hours bi-weekly
1 hour month
6 months
3 months
1.5 months
6 months
2 years
We suggest that each Group Leader completes two studies in one year. However, we realise this may not be possible due to personal schedules. Nevertheless, in order to post the next bible study, we suggest submitting all required information online four to six weeks prior to the start date. Available study guides range in length from 14 to 26 lessons.
Bible Study Structure
The Group Leader will have the option of meeting in their homes or a public location. We ask that the Group Leader provides a suitable meeting place for the study. The maximum capacity will be left to the discretion of the Group Leader depending on the size of the meeting location. The Group Leader will have the option of conducting co-ed, men only, or women only Bible Studies. Childcare will be left to the discretion of the Group Leader depending on the needs of the group.
+61 7 3177 7681