You may be familiar with the wonderful Scriptures, Romans 10:14–5, which refer to people needing a preacher in order to hear God’s message of love and grace.All of this is absolutely true, but what is not made clear is that language is the vehicle which facilitates...
Growing up on a farm in southwest England, Tracey Elliot-Reep struggled through school with severe dyslexia. When her family experienced the ravages of divorce, the only place Tracey found stability and acceptance was with the ponies on her mother’s stud farm. By the...
How can a word be so powerful? To eighty-nine-year-old Betty Bishop, words are a part of her life. I first started taking notes to keep myself from falling asleep in church. But after discovering how those words impacted her devotional life, Betty kept at it. I have...
“When I was a little girl, I had recurring dreams of a baby in the womb who was fighting for her life. I could tell this baby was in pain and literally felt her pain and heard her screams. It troubled me, but I let it go for several years. Then somebody told me that...
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