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Worked Up Over Nothing

Worked Up Over Nothing

How dare they? After everything I’ve done… That was really unprofessional. I’m obviously not the one at fault here. On and on the thoughts continued through my head. I was on a work assignment a few years back, and two of my coworkers had told their boss that I had a...
Translating Grace

Translating Grace

The persecution of Christians in Asia is severe, but the message of God’s unconditional love and grace is reaching into those hard places and transforming lives. However, it wasn’t always that way. During a three-day conference hosted by Charis Bible College World...
Me, Proud? No Way!

Me, Proud? No Way!

God’s been dealing with me about true humility—and I didn’t even recognize it. It all started while listening to Andrew’s new teaching, Humility: God’s Path to More Grace. Nothing about this teaching struck me. I felt like everything he said, though true, was...