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Experience God with Us

Experience God with Us

A good story is timeless, no matter how many times it’s told. This couldn’t be truer than when referring to the Bible, the greatest story ever told, full of stories that are rich with twists and turns. This is the concept behind God with Us, the musical production...
Hope Was Not Disappointed

Hope Was Not Disappointed

Anticipation filled the atmosphere like a gasp suspended in air. For the hundreds who were present—some even putting their lives at risk to attend—their time had come. It was their turn to receive, and the altar was flooded with expectant believers tenacious about...
Stay in the Ring

Stay in the Ring

My heart was pounding as I watched the competitors exit the ring, most limping or bleeding. Whistles pierced the air as people filled the arena with cheers and shouting. A big, red cross hung over the medical station, guiding those who needed post-match patching up....
Time to Dream Again

Time to Dream Again

“I have a dream…” Those powerful words by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. never cease to stir me. I hear his iconic voice reverberating with passion and remember his dedication to that dream in the face of terrible injustices. And yet I wonder if I really understand the...
You’re Loaded!

You’re Loaded!

Your spirit is filled with so much potential! If God revealed to you how much of that potential goes untapped, it might shock you. Andrew says in his Spirit, Soul & Body book: You can actually die with all of the power that raised Jesus from the dead sitting...