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Relationship with God

Genesis 3 relates one of the most amazing stories in the Bible. Eve was convinced by a talking snake that she didn’t have everything she needed to make her happy. How could this happen? It’s understandable how people today are discontent and looking for something, but...

Recession, no thanks I’m not Participating

Our media buyer called me recently with an emphatic question: “Andrew, what in the world are you doing over there at AWM?” He then proceeded to tell me that most of the ministries he works with and others that he knows about are drastically cutting back or, at best,...
New You and the Holy Spirit

New You and the Holy Spirit

One of the leading evangelists of our day has been quoted as saying that he believes only fifteen percent of professing Christians are truly born again. That’s a startling statement! I’m not sure that’s accurate, but I certainly believe that many, if not a majority,...
Look Who Jesus Loves

Look Who Jesus Loves

If you have listened to any of my teachings, you’ve heard me speak about the love of God. That’s what changed my life. The titles, subjects, and Scripture references of my albums are all different, but I’m always teaching about some aspect of God’s unconditional love....
Lessons From the Christmas Story

Lessons From the Christmas Story

Christmas is an awesome time of the year. I didn’t always think that way. Even before I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I got discontented with all the commercialism associated with Christmas. I remember as a fourteen- or fifteen-year-old teenager, I...