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A Heart with Room for Him

A Heart with Room for Him

A long time ago, my mother purchased a portrait of Jesus walking on water. That image has always captivated me. His serene countenance contrasts dramatically with the tempest around Him. It’s an image of the God-man making the supernatural look natural. It’s a...
What’s Keeping You from God’s Best?

What’s Keeping You from God’s Best?

While standing outside Walmart, waiting for cars to stop so I could get back to my vehicle, I felt it before I saw it. With the thumping, window-rattling bass coming from the car speakers, it was impossible not to feel the car coming. Loud, profanity-laden music...
How Hungry Are You?

How Hungry Are You?

Athletes who compete in the Olympics are considered the best in the world. It’s never in doubt that those involved are quality. As Christians, we are spiritual athletes. Although we shouldn’t compete with each other, we do strive to successfully finish the race (2...
When God Says You’re a Winner

When God Says You’re a Winner

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1 (English Standard Version) The gun had fired, and I...
Christian Survival Kit

Christian Survival Kit

“I don’t want to hear it…. I said no! I’m with my grandkids right now,” an older lady snapped at my friend. It was an unusually angry response to my friend’s cheerful greeting. But as we walked away, we both knew something more was going on. “I was raised Baptist, but...